Education & Virtual reality




Virtual Reality



STEAM education

STEAM education

STEAM education

Answering questions in a textbook that will either be right or wrong, is that still from this time? That's the question we dove into alongside Steam Limburg, Kindcentrum ZieZo!, and basisschool de Poort.

Our goal: 'How can we implement STEAM education in a small-

scale, valuable and practical way in primary schools?'

We took the middle school children from basisschool de Poort and Kindcentrum ZIEZO on a journey centered around the theme of Utopia, the City of the Future.

The children delved into global issues, crafting imaginative 'solutions' in Virtual Reality. They actively worked together on addressing problems like a shortage of hospitals or the endangerment of species. The children came up with solutions and were able to sketch them out using the Virtual Reality program called Gravity Sketch. The lessons were a tremendous success.

Answering questions in a textbook that will either be right or wrong, is that still from this time? That's the question we dove into alongside Steam Limburg, Kindcentrum ZieZo!, and basisschool de Poort.

Our goal: 'How can we implement STEAM education in a small-

scale, valuable and practical way in primary schools?'

We took the middle school children from basisschool de Poort and Kindcentrum ZIEZO on a journey centered around the theme of Utopia, the City of the Future.

The children delved into global issues, crafting imaginative 'solutions' in Virtual Reality. They actively worked together on addressing problems like a shortage of hospitals or the endangerment of species. The children came up with solutions and were able to sketch them out using the Virtual Reality program called Gravity Sketch. The lessons were a tremendous success.

Answering questions in a textbook that will either be right or wrong, is that still from this time? That's the question we dove into alongside Steam Limburg, Kindcentrum ZieZo!, and basisschool de Poort.

Our goal: 'How can we implement STEAM education in a small-

scale, valuable and practical way in primary schools?'

We took the middle school children from basisschool de Poort and Kindcentrum ZIEZO on a journey centered around the theme of Utopia, the City of the Future.

The children delved into global issues, crafting imaginative 'solutions' in Virtual Reality. They actively worked together on addressing problems like a shortage of hospitals or the endangerment of species. The children came up with solutions and were able to sketch them out using the Virtual Reality program called Gravity Sketch. The lessons were a tremendous success.

Our Five Key Research Results

Our Five Key

Research Results

We integrated the findings of our literature research with our personal experiences to identify five key research outcomes.

Waanzinnig Leren

Waanzinnig Leren

Waanzinnig Leren

To capture our experience, we settled on Instagram and proceeded to develop the content, design, and launch the page. At the end of the project, we presented our page: Waanzinnig Leren (translation: incredible learning), provided recommendations, and shared our vision for the future.

Steam published a Dutch article about our project, which you can read here.


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